Five Tips For A Healthier Mouth In 2022

Five Tips For A Healthier Mouth In 2022

Most people take time to make New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, most of those same people don’t end up following through with the resolutions they chose. If your resolutions are tied to improving your health, it is important to try and find ways to stick to those resolutions as best as you can. If improving the health of your teeth and gums is one of your New Year’s resolutions, below are some great tips for improving your overall oral health.

Visit The Dentist

If it has been a long time since you have visited your dentist, it is time to call Pure Prosthodontics in Houston, TX to set up an appointment. Regular visits to your dentist for a checkup is essential for your oral health. Almost one in three Americans do not make annual visits to their dentists. When it comes to keeping your mouth healthy, visiting your dentist on an annual basis is necessary.

If you have bleeding gums, sensitive teeth or other issues, you should see us as soon as possible as these could be signs of issues needing to be fixed. To make scheduling your visits even easier, set up your following dental checkup before you leave your current appointment. Our dental office will send out reminders before your appointment so you won’t forget.

Floss Regularly

Even if you brush your teeth two or three times each day, it won’t be enough to keep plaque from forming on your teeth. It is also not the most effective way to remove bits of food in between your teeth that can get lodged. The best care of your teeth involves both brushing and flossing daily. To help you remember to floss, keep your container of floss right next to your toothpaste.

Cut Back On Your Sugar Intake

Much research has been conducted which shows a direct link between tooth decay and the amount of sugar a person consumes. Cutting down on the amount of sugar you eat in your daily diet can reduce your risk of tooth decay significantly. The easiest way to reduce your intake is by cutting back on the number of sugary food items you purchase. Instead, swap out sugary treats for healthier options such as sugar-free gum or seltzer water.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can double your risk of getting gum disease. It is also linked to a multitude of other health issues. There are many methods you can try to quit smoking. One method is to quit cold turkey. Pick a day you plan to stop for good and throw away all tobacco products you have at your home. Ask your friends and family for support through your journey. There are going to be cravings which are hard to resist. Ask your doctor for recommendations on getting through these cravings successfully.

Eat Healthier

When you start cutting back on your sugar intake, it’s also a great time to start adding healthier foods to your diet. Not only will eating healthier benefit your oral health, but it can also benefit your overall health and well-being. Dairy products are great for your teeth because they are high in calcium. Eating foods which are fibrous are great for creating saliva and scrubbing away plaque and food bits that are detrimental to the health of your teeth.

A little bit of planning ahead of time can make sticking to your oral New Year’s resolutions much easier. Take things one day at a time and don’t give up if you fall off track from time to time. Remember, there is always a new day ahead to make the right choices for your oral health!

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